Orionthree-phase 2-250kVAORION stabilisers can be chosen to match different ranges of input voltage fluctuation. Standard models offer a double input connection so that with the same unit two different input variations (±15%/±20% or ±25%/±30%) can be dealt with. The output voltage regulation is performed independently on each phase (stabilization of each phaseto- neutral voltage). Orion Plusthree-phase 30-1250kVAORION Plus stabilisers can be chosen to match different ranges of input voltage fluctuation. In the ±15%/ ±20% and ±25%/ ±30% types, the change of input range is obtained through different internal connections Siriusthree-phase 60-6000kVASIRIUS stabilisers are equipped with columnar voltage regulators which make possible to achieve high ratings (up to 6000kVA) and a solid and reliable construction, so that any industrial need can be met. Sirius Advancethree-phase 60-4000kVASIRIUS Advance stabilisers are equipped with columnar voltage regulators which make possible to achieve high ratings (up to 4000kVA) and a solid and reliable construction, so that any industrial need can be met. The three-phase SIRIUS Advance line allows for the choice of several input voltage variation percentages within a broad range (from +30% down to -45%).