stabilisers can be chosen to match different ranges of input voltage fluctuation. Standard models offer a double input connection so that with the same unit two different input variations (±15%/±20% or ±25%/±30%) can be dealt with. The output voltage regulation is performed independently on each phase (stabilization of each phase- to-neutral voltage).

ORION stabilisers are used with three-phase loads and single-phase loads with 100% current imbalance across the phases and asymmetrical mains voltage.

ORION voltage stabilisers require the neutral wire presence. It can also operate without neutral wire by adding a device able to generate it (D/Yn isolating transformer or neutral point reactor).

Every stabiliser belonging to this range is equipped with the same control board used on VEGA and ANTARES models, thus simplifying maintenance operations and spare parts storage.

Up to 45kVA, the stabilisers are equipped with wheels for easy handling.

An automatic circuit breaker is mounted on the regulation circuit to protect against overload and short circuit on the voltage regulator. The auxiliary circuit is protected by fuses.

The measuring instrumentation is installed on the cabinet door and consists of one multi-task digital line analyser. Such instrument is able to provide with information regarding the status of the line downstream the voltage stabiliser, such as phase and linked voltages, current, power factor, active power, apparent power, reactive power, etc.

By means of a changeover contact, the stabiliser control card allows for the acoustic signalling of the following alarms: minimum voltage, maximum voltage, internal overheating and overload on the voltage regulator. Voltage control and stabilisation, performed on the true RMS value, are managed by the digital

Orion / Standard features

Voltage stabilisation : Independent phase control
Selectable output voltage : 220-230-240V (L-N) / 380-400-415V (L-L)
Frequency : 50/60Hz ±5%
Admitted load variation : Up to 100%
Admitted load imbalance : 100%
Cooling : Natural air ventilation up to 45kVA ±15% Aided with fans from 60kVA ±15%
Ambient temperature : -25/+45°C
Storage temperature : -25/+60°C
Max relative humidity : 95%
Ambient temperature : -25/+45°C
Storage temperature : -25/+60°C
Max relative humidity : 95%
Admitted overload : 200% 2min
Harmonic distortion : None introduced
Colour : RAL 7035
Protection degree : IP 21
Instrumentation : Output digital multimetre
Installation : Indoor
Overvoltage protection : Class II output surge arrestor (from 60kVA ±15%)

Orion / Rating in relation

#204e7f #204e7f #204e7f #204e7f #204e7f #204e7f #204e7f
5 4 3 2 4 3 2
10 7 4 3 7 4 3
15 10 7 4 10 7 4
20 15 10 7 15 10 7
30 20 15 10 20 15 10
45 30 20 15 30 20 15
60 45 30 20 45 30 20
80 60 45 30 60 45 30
105 80 60 45 80 60 45
135 105 80 60 105 80 60
150 120 90 50 n/a n/a n/a
175 135 105 90 n/a n/a n/a
200 150 120 105 n/a n/a n/a
250 175 135 120 n/a n/a n/a